Nurse Call Systems

INA Alert provides nurse call systems to aid health care staff care for their patients. Utilizing surveillance cameras and access control systems together with nurse call systems gives staff the tools to keep your facility, staff, and patients safe and secure.

Our nurse call systems are UL 1069 listed. They can work with both tone-visual or voice patient stations in both single and dual patient stations. They ulilize pillow speakers or call cords, as well as specialty cords (geriatric, soft touch, breath). Our systems also function with both Hill-Rom and Stryker bed interface options and utilize LED corridor lights, all via touch screen master stations.

INA Alert's smart facility technologies allow for integrated workflows. This gives you a real-time holistic view of operations using rule-based event triage. A secure connection across technology gives you peace of mind, knowing that your information is safe. The automated service collects data from multiple sources. Its analytics-driven logic can provide automated escalation and notification. The self-service portal operates on a single-panel organization, providing secure cloud-based cross-technology with an intuitive, visual rule design. Integrating technologies allowing you to streamline operations and have one platform for Real-Time Location Systems (RTLS), Admit, Discharge, and Transfer (ADT), Electronic Medical Records (EMR), Fire Alarm, Access Control, and Security.

TekTone has several applications for ease of use. The Tek-CARE Staff App allows users to view and receive calls, view patient information, and create staff requests from any iOS or Android device registered on the Tek-CARE Network. The App for Apple TVs allows calls to be displayed in remote locations away from the master station, such as in hallways or waiting room areas. Tek-ALERT integrates with smart phones, pagers, LED marquees, Tek-CARE TV for Apple TV, email and the Tek-CARE Staff App for iOS and Android, ensuring the right staff member receives the right notification at the right time.

Overall, our system can provide activity and statistic reports for any system connected to it. It can be itemized by device, time and day, location, and event type. It can assist in determining staffing levels. It helps with responding to complaints. All this helps with improving patient satisfaction and reducing response time. Any data needed can be easily exported to a spreadsheet. It can be automatically generated and sent via email. It also provides reports to state agencies.